Grievance Cell

Grievance Cell

The Composition of the Students Grievance Cell is as follows:

Sr.No. Name Designation Responsibility Contact No.
1 Dr. H M Nanjundaswamy Principal Chairman +91 94482 82580
2 Dr. Vinay S Vice-Principal Chairman +91 9986515835
3 Dr. Mahendra Babu K J COE Member 9844009400
4 Dr. B Dinesh Prabhu Dean (Academic) Member 9480477812
5 Mr. M A Venugopal Student Welfare officer Member 9342558859
6 Dr. Srinivasa M Warden, PESCE Boys Hostel Member 9448282593
7 Shwetha M K Warden, PESCE Girls Hostel Member 9448282595
Send Students Grievience

The Composition of the Faculty Grievance Cell is as follows

Sr.No. Name Designation Responsibility
1 Sri. K S Vijay Anand People's Education Trust(R), Chairman Chairman
2 Dr. H M Nanjundaswamy Principal Member
3 Dr. Mahendra Babu K J COE Member
Send Faculty Grievience Internal Complaints Committee